Graduated in Physics from the University of Barcelona and holds a diploma in film direction and screenwriting from the Bande à Part school in Barcelona. He has directed and written several short films, including “Talleu,” “Cabòries,” “Relaciones Electrónicas,” “La Jeunesse d’Alicia,” “Fils Trencats,” and “Sonnefeld.”

His specialty is comedy and fantasy. These works have been selected for film festivals such as the Sitges Fantastic Film Festival, FESCIGU, Girona Film Festival, Cerdanya Film Festival, among others.

In 2019, he co-founded the production company “Films en off” with Inés Rubinat, which is responsible for the production and distribution of “Fils Trencats,” a film that received a grant from the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In 2024, they produced their latest short film, “Sonnefeld.”

La seva especialitat és la comèdia i la fantasia. Aquests treballs han estat seleccionats a festivals de cinema com: Festival de Cinema Fantàstic de Sitges, FESCIGU, Festival de Cinema de Girona, Festival de Cinema de la Cerdanya… entre d’altres.

El 2019 funda conjuntament amb Inés Rubinat la productora “Films en off”, encarregada de la producció i distribució de  Fils Trencats, que va rebre una subvenció del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya. El 2024 produeixen el seu darrer curt, Sonnefeld.

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